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6 problems that computers can never solve!
2 min readJan 12, 2025
Certain types of problems are considered fundamentally unsolvable by computers, regardless of their speed, power, or design.
These limitations are often based on mathematical and computational principles. Some examples include:
- Undecidable Problems: Gödel’s incompleteness theorems demonstrated that within any formal system of mathematics, there will be true statements that cannot be proven using the rules of that system. This means that mathematical problems are undecidable by any algorithm or computer program.
- Halting Problem: Alan Turing’s halting problem states that it is impossible to create an algorithm that can determine whether an arbitrary program will eventually halt (terminate) or run indefinitely.
- Oracle Problem: Imagine a hypothetical oracle that can solve a specific problem instantly, like an “all-knowing” entity. Even if such an oracle existed, some problems can’t be solved by using it, like the “relativized” P vs. NP problem, which deals with the relationship between polynomial-time algorithms and non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithms.
- Busy Beaver Problem: This problem involves finding the longest-running, halting program for a given computational model and initial configuration. The exact value of the busy beaver function is uncomputable for…